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Pokalbis telefonu. Būdvardžių palyginimas bei būtasis paprastasis laikas - Past Simple tense.

anglų kalbos kursai

Pateiksime keletą pokalbių šnekamojoje kalboje. Išgirsite, kaip kalbėti telefonu. Taip pat išmoksime dar vieną būdvardžių palyginimą ir mokysimės būtąjį paprastąjį laiką - Past Simple tense. Prisiminsime įvardžius bei pasimokysime jų vartojimo.

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Nemokamos dalies trukmė - 5 min. Visa pamoka - 31 min.

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Pirkti pamokas


1What`s the weather like?  Koks oras?
2it`s cloudy  debesuota
3it`s sunny  saulėta
4it`s foggy  ūkanota
5it`s windy  vėjuota
6it`s warm  šilta

Nemokamoje dalyje pateikta tik dalis žodžių.


  • - Hello.
  • - Good morning.
  • - What's the weather like today?
  • - It's nice. It's sunny and warm today.
  • - Ok, speaking about the weather we have to learn some words and to know the question What's the weather like?
  • - Sounds strange.
  • - Yes, you hear the word like at the end of the sentence. And it doesn't mean mėgti, patikti. Just learn this question.
  • - All right. What's the weather like?

Now the words about the weather:

  it`s cloudy
  it`s sunny
  it`s foggy
  it`s windy
  it`s cold
  it`s warm
  It`s hot
  it`s cool
  it`s wet
  it`s snowing
  it`s raining
  • - How many seasons do we have in Lithuania?
  • - We have four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  • - What is the weather like in spring in our country?
  • - It's cool and wet in March and April, but in May it's sunny and warm.
  • - What about the summer?
  • - Sometimes in summer we have hot days. Sometimes it rains much.
  • - All right. What is the weather like in autumn?
  • - In September it's quite nice. It's sunny and warm, but in October and November it rains much, it's wet and cold.
  • - And at last what is the weather like in winter?
  • - It's cold, windy and there is a lot of snow. Sometimes it rains in winter.
  • - Ok. Now we know about the weather in Lihuania. What is the average temperature in spring?
  • - The average temperature in spring is about 16 degrees I think. Today it is about 18 degrees above zero.

Pakalbėjome apie orą ir išmokome pagrindinį klausimą:

  What`s the weather like?
Koks oras?


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